For excellent legal teaching and information---stuff no "Attorney" [All
agents of the British Crown] will not tell you, look at Rightway Law.  A
search should take you there, if not write and I will look it up.  A years
membership with access to great teaching tapes and books is less than an
hour of a shysters time.

James Osbourne Holmes


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, May 20, 2000 4:52 AM
Subject: CS>Kiasi- PS

>you are not crazy but they are!!!
>I had a doctor refuse me medical treatment here in Georgia this week.  I
>filed a quality control complaint against him this week.  Hmm when I got my
>caseworker - guess what he said?  He refused to answer me in 30 seconds of
>intake; walked out of the room, wouldn't let me speak BUT told the
>company that I needed a psychiatrist -
>JUST for the record you will probably read about me in the news because I
>going after 3 medical licenses in georgia AND United Healthcare of GA for
>this.  I have had had enough.
>I sat up until 3 am the other night in a rage over this latest allopathic
>idiot - I have never lost a legal battle ever - I hope their wives put
>assets in trusts - because they are gonna need it when I get through with
>them.  I documented every detail and letter and phone call to these idiots
>. .  long story but fry baby fry.  I want their license. !!!
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  • CS>Kiasi- PS DeathBH
    • Re: CS>Kiasi- PS James Osbourne, Holmes