Has anyone here ever battled dysbiosis? I learned
2 weeks ago that I have a lot of bad bacteria
(dysbiosis), but no yeast or parasites were
found, and I had been using the Hulda Clark
remedy and zapper in the past few months.

I was taking colloidal silver since October for a
positive lyme test, but since I have basically NO
good bacteria I don't want to take that chance. 
Has anyone every had any luck with CS and this
condition? I don't know why I have so many bad
bacteria since I was taking CS regularly and in
large doses too?

 I am now taking olive leaf and Uva Ursi capsules
and the Uva Ursi as a tea as well, and follow the
Eat Right for your blood type diet and am taking
2 blood type friendly probiotics as well as a
high potency acidophilus supplement... Does
anyone with this condition, or knowledge of it
have any further advice??? :0(

Thanks in advance!! 

Nicole :O)

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