Samantha, you sound just like me, and I could'nt have said it better.
The world is so full of brain dead, mindless sheep you wonder how they make
it through the day, much less survive to an age above 16.
These are the airheads that not only kill millions with drugs and
unnecessary surgery, ignore safe alternative methods of healing
andpreventing disease but are probably responsible for  putting the biggest
airhead of all in the whitehouse.  They all should be shipped to the funny
farm and let them destroy each other, but since that won't happen let's be
grateful for the time we have left before they  send us there.  In the
meantime don't try to teach the unteachable, they are happy in their
ignorance and are good at making us feel like we are way out there.  Who
needs the hassle?
Yours in health & happiness,

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