Hi to the lyme people.  I am forwarding this email to fill you in on my 
situation.    Some forms of mycoplamsa do not cause serious problems but 
Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) is the strain that Dr. Lo of the 
Armed Forces has the United States patent on which states when it was 
injected into monkeys they died in 7 to 9 months.  It is being found in 1/2 
of the sick Gulf War vets and a smaller percentage I believe of CFS and Fibro 
people.  It can cause many of the same symptoms as lyme.  That's why I 
thought the odds were against me having both.  It is air borne according to 
Dr. Garth Nicolson (www.immed.org) and also spread through saliva, sex, and I 
believe sweat.  Is the lyme contagious also and if so how is it transmitted?

Also, is headaches on the top of the head espeically in warm environments 
known to be a symptom of lyme?

Also, I am doing my own alternative therapy but I guess it may be good for me 
to have a doc who is lyme literate if there are any in my area.  Do you know 
of any in St. Louis, MO or nearby?

Also, is it hard for lyme people to get disability?


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Hi guys!  Yes, I do think the dna helper is on to something and   I do 
appreciate all the work the DNA helper is doing.  I was going over an email 
post to the list from the helper from about March with some numbers for 
Borrelia Burgdorfi (it's down stairs) the other day and noticed that a bunch 
of the numbers (or very close numbers) are also listed on the Dan Tracy/Jim 
Bare list I printed off of Turf's site and/or on a list that Don Tunney's 
assistant sent me of freqs used for Lyme that they found some of their CFS 
volunteers where having hits with.  Anyway, I found that quite 
interesting...smile!!!  Also, I have been having hits with those numbers from 
the email that I have done...mostly strong tostrong underlined.

A couple weeks ago I took a week (or 6 days) off of all supplements and 
rifing (I felt worse during that time...starting a few days after stopping 
the stuff).  Anyway, I then had my blood shipped to Dr. Lidda Mattmann 
(spelling??) in  Michigan and a lab in Floridia...Bowen Research and Training 
Institute and I got all my results in now.  They both tested for Borrelia 
Borgdorfi and said I was positive.  Mattman does a blood culture from your 
blood and sends pictures of the spirochetes.  The other lab did rapid 
fluorescent antibody technique for Borrelia.  Bowen also said peripheral 
blood smear suggests:
Human Granulocytic Erhlichia (HGE) and Babesia...confirmation of indicated.  
Well, I am sick of paying for and getting blood drawn and sent to labs etc. 
so i will just assume I may have those so if you have any freqs for those let 
me know.  I really don't know a whole lot about these labs or tests but a few 
weeks  or so ago I started wondering if I could have lyme in addition to the 
Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus.  In the past I have talked to like Dan 
tracy for instance and he went through like a list of 30 symptoms with me 
asking me if I had them and I kept saying yes, yes, yes, etc. and he kept 
saying you have Lyme and I kept saying but you don't understand I have 
Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus and it can cause about all the same symtpoms 
and the whole illness started with a bad case of mycoplasma pneumonia so it 
makes sense that since I developed chronic symptoms the whole thing was 
caused by the Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus which can cause systemic and 
chronic illness.  He just kept saying I had Lyme but it never occured to me I 
could be unlucky enough to have both.  But, one thing I do remember is ever 
since like around maybe 5th or 6th grade or so I would get real bad headaches 
if out in the sun and heat for hours.  And, this lady said she thought that 
could be from the lyme.  Anyway I prayed to God to send me a sign or help me 
know if I had lyme.  Well, the next day or so I had a dream in which I was at 
like a dance and I was wearing a bright lyme green real fancy dress and so 
was another lady in the dream.  Then when I woke up I thought boy was that 
weird nobody wears that color...that lyme green, anymore...how weird...nobody 
has worn anything like that for years since like the 80's.  But, at the time 
that's all I thought about it...didn't get the lyme as in borrelia yet at 
that point.  Then that night my dad was watching Lawrence Welk and I was 
watching it...ugghh!!...LOL!!! while eating dinner and out comes this woman 
in a real fancy dress that was bright lyme green.  Then comes out another 
woman in a another fancy lyme green dress....same color but different style 
(as in my dream) and then I think the  third lady came out like that also but 
again different style...same color.  And, I thought boy that's weird and 
mentioned my dream to my dad.  And, ht Lawrence Welk show looked like it was 
made in like the 80's (early I guess) by the hair styles/feathered hair, etc. 
and of course the clothing including the bright lyme green!!!!  And, I 
thought about how when I woke up I thought boy that's weird noone has worn 
that color sine like the 80'S!!!!!  At the time I just thought It was wild 
but later started thinking WHY would I dream that...could there be a 
spiritual message in their for me???  And, then as I was thinking I thought 
LYME green...hey I was praying to God to find out if I could have lyme and 
was asking for a sign or something!!!  Then I thought that must be a message 
for me b/c it sure was a strange coincidence!!  So, then I really wanted to 
get the tests done.  Anyway, if you have a chance let me know what if 
anything you know about Lidda Mattman, etc.  So, I guess I have both lyme and 
M. incognitus.  But, I'm not too upset b/c I know people have beaten the lyme 
with the machine.  As you know, I while back I tried some lyme freqs and got 
hits and that is also what got me curious.  But, I laid off them pretty much 
for like a week or more and focused on the other stuff then totally no rifing 
or supps for like 6 days before the test.  Really, I just tested out some 
lyme freaks a while back...now I will hit it harder and keep hitting the 
mycoplasma.  see, I didn't get the mycoplamsa pneumonia and then "CFS" until 
college..age 21.  But, I had multiple tic bites out at our family farm from 
like age 10 to about 17 or so.  Can't remember exactly when etc. just know I 
had them on multiple occasions...my mom says we all did...and I can remember 
we used to have to dig them out.  Well, I guess maybe one or more of mine had 
the lyme.  Then today my mom talked to a lady who goes to a lyme support 
group and she said the lyme patients get bad headaches on the tope of their 
heads when they are in warm environments.  this happens to me also and has 
ever since like grade school but then it was only if I was out in the hot sun 
for hours or if it was real humid and moldy out then I also would get bad 
headaches although I think it maybe was a different type not....so focused on 
the top of the head.  Anyway, lately don't seem to be so out of breath in 
warm (for me) environments (also started cs a couple weeks ago) but yesterday 
it was like 75% in here (b/c it was like 95% outside and it was hard to get 
the house cooled down) and normally we keep it about 72 or 73% for me b/c of 
my head and breathing.  Well, breathing was ok!!  But, the top of my head was 
killing.  So, maybe that is the lyme??  And, I do remember in the summers in 
highschool hanging out outside in the heat at the pool when I was 15 and my 
friend was 16 and a life guard and by that night my head would be killing but 
I would still go out but be in major pain.

Well, bye for now.  Gotta go do a session.

Type to ya later.  Thanks for everything.


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