In a message dated 00-06-06 11:37:54 EDT, you write:

<< Can you explain (or cite a reference) how this "imparting a strong
 static charge" is accopmlished?  As far as I know the only charge an
 ion of silver can have is +1.  This is due to the fact that the
 silver atom will give up one electron...and only one electron during
 ionization.  Atoms (by definition) do not have a charge since the
 number of protons and electrons are equal, cancelling each other
 George Martin


I was affraid someone was going to ask that question. So, let me give a try 
(something of) an answer:

The molecules that comprise air can be highly charged when a warm air mass 
flows over a cooler air mass. In fact, the static charge produced from this 
friction can reach such enormous levels that the air can become conductive 
(ionized) when lightening is produced. However, before that point, you could 
say that the air had a tremendous static charge.

So, why is it NOT possible for SOME of the neutral silver gas atoms to be 
relieved of their outer shell electron by friction within the plasma, 
creating SOME individual Ag+ ions in the gas phase, but instantaneously 
forming silver agglomerates in the aqueous phase which (to be explained 
below), in turn, producing statically charged colloidal particles?

Silver is the most conductive of metals, and metals that are highly 
conductive, presumably, would like to share their outer shell electrons by 
forming an electron cloud around associated metal atoms and ions (why not?). 
In so doing, the surface free energy of the particle is reduced (Nature is 
very big on lowering surface free energy. Ever see a cubic water droplet?), 
and the net deficit of outer electrons would then be evenly distributed 
around each particle. Therefore,. practically all silver particles become 
statically charged and there are no individual Ag+ ions in the sol? 

Your turn.


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