> > > > Give me KimChi any day.
> > >> > > Cabbage, salt, onion, fish sauce, chilli, garlic, ginger.
> > > Aged for months.
> > >> > > Ivan.
> >> > Dear Ivan, Eeeeeyyyyeewww! I`ll pass...
> > Marsha
> Check some brands of whostershire sause.  They have fish (whole
anchovies )
> thrown in and then it is aged for months before bottling.  From what I
> understand the fish basically rot during the aging process and are
> by the time it is bottled.
> > I always check the label and buy whostershire that does not list
> Can't stand the thought of it.
> > Marshall

Dear Marshall, Maybe I`m a big boob, but I can`t stand pepper, onions,
garlic or anything strong. Don`t know why, maybe because my mom never used
them. Irks me to no end to eat out and have my food come already covered
with pepper and onions!
I don`t miss coffee, tea or booze  either. Boy, do I save a lot of money, if
nothing else...
(My real name is Marshalee, shall I use that and confuse everyone??)

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