Hi, just made a quart of CS and after letting it sit a couple of days then I 
poured it into a 4 cup measuring cup and washed the jar it was made in and 
poured it back into the original jar, so far so good. Then I poured some of 
the CS into a smaller container to use and when I did I noticed something, I 
didn't know what, it was like clear sludge adhering to the neck of the jar in 
several places. Took a paper towel and wiped it off and it came off without 
any trouble.  The only thing that I can think of maybe I didn't wash the 
measuring cup well enough, I had used it for something else and hand washed 
it quickly before pouring the CS into it. Has anyone encountered anything 
like this?  Am using the CS.  Thanks,     Mary

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