Cs kills leaf curl on peach trees and apple rust on apple trees in my
orchard. Great for roses also!!!

Henry Reed wrote:
> Everyone probably already knows about this, but just in case, here
> goes.  This time of year when expensive, delectable white peaches come
> home from the grocery store in a 'smashed' condition, they will exude
> much juice and, even if refrigerated, will become uneatable from
> deterioration.  But I have found that if I spray them with a fine
> misting of cs, they can be left out at room temperature to finish
> ripening and get really sweet and tasty.  The bruises even get better,
> ie., firmer and with better color.  The juice stops flowing and nothing
> rots!!  This is incredible, but it happened 2 times for me.    Also a
> philodendron developed 'jungle rot', (layman's term) with many leaves
> affected before I noticed.  Out with the spray for leaves and added a
> few ounces to its root water and voila!  the rot is stopped dead in its
> tracks.    A tomato with unbroken skin developed a blistery looking
> area.  I sprayed the area well.  Next day the blistery area was firmer
> to the touch and had only spread a little.  Usually I just toss a tomato
> like that, but was able to use most of that one.   Great stuff.
> --
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