At 12:52 PM 6/16/2000, you wrote:
Fred wrote:

> I would expect in the
> HVAC arc sintering process that atoms or larger particles are formed
> and thus the high bubble rate I found!

I have mixed HVAC CS with H2O2 several times, and have yet to have seen any
disassociation of the H2O2, even when left in a bottle for days with a bubble tube attached. But then I don't use the arc process, just the electrolytic process.

The arc process is the one in question, started first by the depressed pH and then wondering exactly what was formed. I would like to have a few ounce sample of your brew Marshall, if possible. I have no doubts about the arc process producing metallic particles and suspect the submerged process to act the same as the LVDC polarity reversal setup, where reduced ions are blown into suspension, providing a mix of
ions and atoms or crystals.  If so, there should be disassociation of the H2O2!

If possible, send to:   PII, 3516 Delilah Drive, Cape Coral, FL 33993

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