I was wondering just where in New Your State the mosquitos were.  I was from
White Plains, but have relitives all over the state.

Your concoction sounds good.


G&B Rogers wrote:

> Hello listers,
> The mosquito borne West Nile virus that causes encephalitis has returned to
> my region of NY, with a few dead crows confirmed having the virus in an
> adjacent county, just 20 miles away. I was just wondering if anyone has
> suggestions for precautionary measures using CS (besides a daily 2oz
> dosage) - would putting drops of CS on mosquito bites work?  I made my own
> concoction of aloe vera gel, CS, dissolved MSM and lavender oil, which I
> keep in the kitchen for burns that works rather nicely, but don't know if
> the CS has remained effective since I don't refrigerate it, and I don't know
> if mixing it with essential oils affects the properties of the colloid.
> Any suggestions or thoughts on natural ways of protecting me and my family
> from this virus, which killed 7 people in NYC last year, would be
> appreciated!  We live on a small lake, and it tends to be mosquito
> metropolitan around here.
> Beth
> --
> Commit Random Acts of Kindness

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