Marx acknowledges original work done by Svedborg and Otswald way prior to 
his. Two different groups in the late 1800s.  One of them was working with 
about 20K Hz. HV.

James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Fred []
Sent:   Sunday, June 18, 2000 10:27 PM
Subject:        CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

At 08:18 PM 6/17/2000, you wrote:
>In a message dated 6/17/00 1:37:06 PM EST, writes:
><< Have you checked with your Agricultural agent what the copper
>  fungicides are that they recommend? As so far as my mentions of
>  nitrate or nitrite, I would ignore that in a field spray application, as
>  there are far worse risks with copper fungicides then the trace amount
>  you might get from the HVAC process. >>
>Fred: You are unbelievable! " ... far worse risks ... then the trace 
>[of nitrate or nitrite] ...." You prove the old adage that if you repeat a
>lie often enough people will start to believe it.

Sorry touchy Roger, thought I was being conservative by saying
"my mentions" and "trace amount" - I am not the only one in the
  world with unanswered questions about the logical possibility
of nitrogen compounds formed in an air to water HV arc! I even went
to two of Bruce Marx's sites, THE originator of the HVAC process,
(he says so) to check his comments, but alas, he has weirder ideas
then you! Even says LV Cs has a shelf life of only 2 days to 2 weeks -
you might like him!

Oh well, guess I asked for a slap!

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