----- Original Message -----
From: <ejohns9...@aol.com>
To: <dperk...@betterwayhealth.com>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 12:10 PM
Subject: treatment

> Hi Dave,
> You mentioned on the list you are using the flax oil/cottage cheese
> as part of your treatment.   Are you juicing and those type things?
> My sister-in-law has terminal cancer and we are interested in treatments
> of others.  If you choose not to respond to this personal inquiry,
> I will understand.
> Edith from the silver list

Happy to respond Edith

If I can help anyone avoid the learning curve I went through to find the
most effective products and protocols it is how I can give back for my good
fortune to survive.

Time, at the moment limits the extent to which I can go however here is some
information about my protocols and products (and a history of my "medical"
journey).  Please contact me with any questions or for more details after
looking at this.  You can overcome cancer by making your "body ecology"
unfriendly to what cancer needs to flourish.

Also visit my (under construction) web site www.betterwayhealth.com for some
good general information about cancer and disease in general, regarding the
Detox; Oxygenate; Alkalize and Potentiate (a maximum, appropriate immune

CS is a critical part of my program as well as the  Ionized Alkaline Water
and Rifing.

I am going to copy the CS list as I think this is good information for
anyone needing to regain health or maintain a level of vigorous health.



n Green juicing (kale, char, parsley, cilantro, cucumber, celery, collards,
beet, diakon, ginger, w/ enough carrot to make palatable) combine as
available - 32oz per day

n Coffee Enemas - 5-6 times/week; began Dec. 99;  went to 2-3 times/week
since April 99.  Implant 4.5 oz. Chlorophyll w/ ½ Tbs. of Bifidus and ½ tsp.
Lactobacillus complex. (If this generates too much gas I eliminate the
Bifidus and L. Bacillus)

n O3 (ozone) therapy -   .5L one min. rectally (immediately after my enema)
began Dec. 99

n Colonic irrigation - Began in Sept. 99 - weekly; Oct-Nov. bi-weekly; now
every 3 to 4  weeks

n Using "Rife" device (bio frequency therapy) daily - began in Sept. 99.

n Nutritional IV's (25 grams "C" w/ various B vits.) started in Sept. 99 -
weekly until end of Oct. 99

n Dental mercury removed - Nov. 10 - Dec. 6.  Two root canals pulled; two

n Mercury detox. per Dr. Tate "synopsis" (eggs poached in butter w/garlic
daily - sulphur ) plus; DMPS chelation 12/8, 12/22.

n 25 grams IV Vit. C - weekly;  began 12/18; 50 grams started 1/8/00

n IV DMSO began 1/6/00 w/beta glucans and aloe - weekly, bi-weekly since
April 99.

n 15 min. on "Rebounder" (mini trampoline) most days to oxygenate my system
and stimulate lymph movement.

n 15 min. on "Chi" machine most days (with oxygen via nose canula) - same
reasons as "Rebounder"

n Avoiding white flour; sugar; fruits; alcohol & most grains.

n 30-40 oz. "Alkalized water" purchased from a woman who has a water
ionizing unit that splits filtered water into "acid" and "alkaline"
components. This helps to make the water's oxygen more available to me at
the cellular level which helps detox my body at the cellular level.
Purchased my own Water Ionizer (after finding a good unit that I could
afford) in March 2000 and now use it for all cooking, drinking etc.
Generally drink about 80 oz @ 8.5 pH daily.

n Four cups of Green Tea daily - made with the Alkalized water

n Supplements, herbs:
Beta 1,3,D Glucans 1000mg x2
IP6 500mg. x6
MGN3 (Arabinaxylane compound) 250mg x2
ARA6 (Arabinogalactan) (Larix occidentalis extract) 500mg. x6
Bio Zyme (Pancreatic enzymes) 325mg.  x12
Jarro-Zyme (Porcine Pancreatic enzymes) 425mg. x4
Freeze dried Calf Liver 1 t. w/carrot juice x1
Pregest "cultured enzymes" x4
Sea Cure (White Fish) 500mg. x9
CoQ10 120mg x2
Milk Thistle 80mg. x2
Garlic 12 mcg/gram x2
Selenium 200 mcg x2
Lecithin 1200mg x2
Magnesium 300mg. & Potassium 40mg. Asportates x2
Vit. E  400iu x2
Folic acid 800mcg. x1
Vit. B Complex 50mg. X2
Zinc x3
Cod Liver Oil 1tsp. x2
Flax Oil Tbs. W/ 3oz Cottage Cheese x6
Ground Flax seed Tbs. x2
Sodium Acerbate 4 grams x2
L-Glutamine 3,800mg. x1
Broken cell Chlorella 6 grams x1
Bernadine HCL  520mg. w/ Pepsin 20mg. taken with meals.
Elysian "Greening Power" - 45 synergistic herbs 1T x2
Taco - food based vitamin/ mineral complex 1T x4
Homeopathic as recommended

Born 11/19/40 (59yrs.)    Ph.678-560-1808


8/96  Admitted to Cobb Hospital w/ 103 temp, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Transferred to Veterans Admin. Hospital after 2 weeks with a diagnosis of
Endocarditis. NOTE: Endo. was diagnosed one day before transfer - there was
no sign of it the next day or ever again.

9/96  Non Hodgkins T-Cell Lymphoma , stage 4B diagnosed.  Had 6 rounds of
C.H.O.P. chemotherapy at the V.A.  NOTE: approx. 5 weeks in intensive care
before diagnosis.

12/96  Cancer in remission.

8/97  Started running very high fevers (104 - 105) -  no cancer could be

11/97  Spleenectomy performed; bone marrow and liver biopsy negative.

12/97  CT Scan showed mass on L5 and into the soft tissue.  Began chemo -
Cytobaum (C.H.O.P. + ).

4/14/98  Autologus stem cell transplant at V.A. Hosp. Nashville, TN.  In
hosp. Approx. 60+ days.

6/98  Remission - no signs of Lymphoma

5/10/99 - 5/18/99  Hospitalized w/ fever and dehydration - had a very bad
drug reaction.  Bone marrow biopsy, CT scan and many other tests over the
next  1½ months showed no cancer.  Fevers continued until chemo. started in

6/25/99 (approx.) CT scan showed 10cm mass in lower Rt. Abdomen.

8/8/99 - 8/13/99  "Salvage Chemo." administered (3 day continuous infusion
E.S.H.A.P. - high dose Solu-Medrol, Cisplatin, Cytarabine, plus Prednesone).

9/14/99 - 9/16/99  Second round chemo. as above.

Medically they consider this salvage chemo.  i.e. It will probably go into
remission but it will be back in a short time and I will not be able to
tolerate continual chemo. regimes.  My diagnosis as of June '99 was

I firmly believe that I can overcome this disease and the recurrences
through alternate therapies designed to detox my systems and build up my
immune system.
Note: At my one year "anniversary" of the traditional Medical community
designation of "terminal" and doing GREAT!!
( I must admit I have cut back on some of the time (and $$) spent on the
above now that I have overcome the therapeutic stage and am in a (long)
lifelong maintenance stage.

WARNING: Shamless Self promotion section:


The purpose of this site is to share information on products and protocols
that I have found to be successful, reliable and affordable in treating my
Non-Hodgkins T-cell Lymphoma and in guarding against it's return (the basics
of which should apply to most cancers and other diseases). and to start to
making a living from the knowledge and experience I have gained.  Thank You
for visiting.  You will be glad you did.

If I can be of service to anyone please email me @

For your better health
David Perkins
"enjoy being"

PS All of these products and protocols should be effective in helping your
body increase it's present state of health and in helping increase it's
resistance to developing future illnesses. (My story@
www.betterwayhealth.com )

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