Thanks for the information. I am only going by what I have seen published (over the years - I don't have a ready source) and by what I have been told by holistic dentists. I would be interested in whatever you have that would erase this perception. I always understood that because they were at the top of the food chain and were usually quite large (old) when they were caught that Tuna and Swordfish had concentrated many of the toxins from the years of eating smaller fish and other critters. As hard a job as I understand that this type of fishing is, it is easy to see why you would be so outraged by Govt. seizure of anyone's catch, especially if there was no evidence of high levels of contaminants.
Dave Perkins "enjoy being" You don't think maybe the mammoths were originally swordfish eaters do you? :0) ----- Original Message ----- From: Bob Squires <> To: <> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 6:51 PM Subject: CS>Mercury levels > > > Dave Perkins and all; > > I fished Tuna ,Swordfish and many other species for 30 years and > have been through this nightmare many times . The main thing that you > will find in most cases with these federal agencies and their > regulations is that very few of them know what they are talking about . > They go by a book written by some one who didn't know what they were > talking about either . One would think that these pelagic species would > be the least likely to pick up heavy metals considering where they live > and feed in the open the open sea . I had a friend in the 60's who had > some 24 tons of swordfish in storage in a freezer in Calif. The EPA > removed his swordfish with no notice or court action and destroyed them > saying the mercury level was to high . At the time they were worth > $1200.or more a ton. About 3 mos. Later they found the intact Mammoths > and other animals frozen on the north slope of Alaska . These were > taken to the Smithsonian or other museums where tests revealed that the > mercury levels of all of these animals were several times higher that > that established by the regulators. The seizure was carried out under > the color of law by people who had no authority to do so in any state. > This is the thing about the benefits of CS you must find out the truth > for yourself . Not only for CS but for all drugs . > > Best wishes to all > Bob > > > -- > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. > > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: > -or- > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. > > To post, address your message to: > Silver-list archive: > List maintainer: Mike Devour <> > >