Hi all,

Wondering if anyone can help me with CMO dosage.  A booklet I have from the 
health food store says typical amounts range from 0.05 to 0.75 grams of CMO 
per 140 to 200 grams of body weight.  Well, I weigh about 105 now if my scale 
is accurate.... just checked.   (I'm a shrimpy...smile...about 5 feet 
1/2inches.)  I tried figuring out the math but my numbers don't seem to be 
making any sense at all.  Someone told me there are 453.6 grams in a pound.  
Anyone know if that is correct?

I have been taking 2 500mg capsules (1000mg) 3 times a day.  It says on the 
label a 1000mg dose provides 200mg Cetyl Myristoleate and other mixed fatty 
esters.)  Anyone have any input on what the right dose for me is?



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