Have you ever heard of "lymphasizing"?--a type of do-it-yourself massage


>Hello everyone!
>Well, I was just wondering what exactly the magnetic pulser is good for??
>I think it will benifit me but am not sure and $250.. that is a lot of
>money..does anyone know if there is a cheaper model? I am just trying to
>find out if it is worth the money or not. Would some kind of magnets do
>the same thing?? Anyone seen any benifits using just that specifically? I
>used the silver pulser for a while and it didn't help me much..but the
>lymph glands seem to be a good idea to cleanse right now in my case :0)
>What about your liver? I did a detoxification profile and my liver has
>more toxins than it can deal with.
>Also, I have had this symtom for a LONG time and wonder if ANYONE can give
>me any insite? I do have Lyme and cfs. Now ever since I got ill after I
>had mono I get this stinging in my nose like there is liquid in there or
>something. It lasts a few seconds and in the begining hurt a lot! has
>anyone here ever experienced this?? Any thoughts on what can cause it? I
>am on the eat right for your blood type diet and avoid foods that I know I
>have sensitivities too from an allergy test.
>Nicole :O)
>PS, I am not able to take CS because I have dysbiosis and it didn't really
>give me the results I had hoped and may have made that worse.   :0( Does
>anyone have any info on lyme therapies besides olive leaf that I can do to
>help? I am aware of the beck protocal, but is there any other herbs or
>treatments?? my body is FAR to weak for any drugs right now and I doubt
>after the trouble one antibiotic caused me that I would take them again!
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