Forwarded from another list.(this recipe seems important enough, wouldn't
you say?)


Improve your health dramatically......easy and free.

Lowers cholesterol and allows your body to function efficiently.
Avoid needless and dangerous gall bladder surgery.

     At least 80% of people older then 30 have intrahepatic stones, that we
call "gallstones" as there is no big difference between stones inside the
and stones inside the gall bladder.
     Gallstones are always first created inside the liver!
     Gallstones inside the gallbladder(GB) have always first started inside
liver (intrahepatic bile ducts = tubes inside your liver)!!!
     Then , they "roll" down to the GB, where they may continue growing, until
they take all the space inside your GB.   People may have gallstones as big
as 5 cm across. (2 inch)
     If you have stones inside your GB, you already have hundreds of stones
inside your liver !   (Not all of them are big !) I call "stone" everything
then 2 mm across, everything in solid state, everything that can not be called
bile, but is still made of it.
     How many cleanses do you need ?
     Very few adults have no stones!   Healthy skin is a sign of healthy liver
and healthy intestines.
     After age 50-60 almost all the people have stones !   Some adults with
very good and healthy liver menage to clean out all liver in only 3-5
  Skin of those people is extremely beautiful, soft and healthy, before, and
especially after cleanse.   After cleanse, their skin is as beautiful as
skin of
     the people from the first group.  Other people get stones out every time
they do cleanse, regardless of cleanse frequency.   The liver of these people
is able to generate hundreds of new stones (something like process of
     crystallization inside intrahepatic bile ducts, bile starts
crystallizing and
stones starts growing.) in just a few days or few weeks.   Skin of those
people is not as healthy as skin of those from the previous group.

     You will know it is working. You will see the stones in your stools.

     New stones are usually of tann-green color, almost transparent, pure
cholesterol, bile salts and toxins (heavy metals, mercury from food and
amalgam, cadmium, led, and others ).   Old stones can have more different
colors, more pigment, more different salts and if cut across one will see
layers, which can not be easily seen in stones created in very short time.  If
cleanses are done 2/3 times each week then:   First 1-3 cleanses are
cleaning out almost only old stones.   Next 3-10 cleanses can clean out
combination of old and newly created stones.   Next 10 - X .. cleanses will
clean out only newly created stones.  If your liver keep producing stones
constantly, you can do 1 cleanse every two months.
     People who do cleanse regularly, will dramatically reduce their chances
for getting Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS and many other diseases.
Cleanse will keep toxins and parasites away, and will keep you in good
     For people who already suffer from Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS, the
liver cleanse is a vital step in regaining health.
     It is always much easier to prevent diseases, than to regain health, once
you are sick.  Don't blame your liver for making gallstones constantly.   Be
happy that your liver is still able to pack all the bad toxins inside small
marbles, so that they are not reabsorbed with your intestines!
     Liver /GB cleanse is single MOST powerful way to improve your health in
JUST 24 hrs.  It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a
The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one
large tube
(the common bile duct).   The gallbladder is attached to the common bile
duct and acts as a storage reservoir.   Eating fats triggers the
gallbladder to
squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes
its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.   Liver usually manage to
take most of the toxins (that it can recognize) out of our body.
     Bile is used to remove heavy metals out from our body (cadmium,
copper, lead, mercury, radioactive elements, ...)   But, the way our liver is
doing it may cause those toxins to come back inside of our body.   Our liver
is producing bile from cholesterol by converting it into bile acids. Bile
also a lot of toxins that have to be removed from our body.   But, the problem
is that bile is going directly into our intestines, and by doing this we have
chance of absorbing those toxins again in our blood stream.
     It is natural fibers and lignans in our food that are suppose to bind
bile, and help taking bile out of our intestines. What happens if we don't eat
enough fibers ?   We may reabsorb some of the bile back into the blood and
lymph stream.
     In order to prevent reabsorbing those toxins, our intestines produce even
more mucus on it's walls, preventing in this way absorption of too many bad
things. Now, as it may not be enough, or liver starts coagulating some bile
that contain a lot toxins, in order to let them pass through our intestines
without being absorbed.   Now, those coagulated acids are called gallstones.
  And they are occasionally passed down the intestines, when we eat fatty
     For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with
gallstones.   Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms.
As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the
liver causes it to make less bile.
     Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it.   Much less
water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to
squirt out the marbles.   With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the
body, and cholesterol levels rise.
     Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses
parasites that are passing through the liver.   In this way "nests" of
are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach
infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently
without removing these gallstones from the liver."
     Not only that gallstones will decrease production of bile, but some of
them may also move down to the gallbladder.   Amount of bile that you
actually get in your intestines is equal to the amount of water that you have
squeezed the second time.   Because you did not get enough bile, fats you
ate will not be properly digested, and you will not be able to absorb them.
Also having not enough bile inside intestines will affect intestinal flora.
It may
also make you more susceptible to intestinal parasites.   Did you know that
80% of people have intestinal parasitic animals ? Once parasites get into
your bowel system, they eat your nutrients, they secret toxins.  You absorb
those toxins.   Toxins from parasites also kill intestinal flora, beneficial
bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidumbacter Bifidus, ...   Without
intestinal flora, Candida Albicans and other yeast grow inside your bowel
without control.   Toxins produced by the Candida yeast family can cause
many diseases.   Candida can escape from the bowel, and cause a lot of
troubles on your skin, inside your muscles (Fibromyalgia, CFS), inside your
brain (brain fog), and generally decrease your immunity. making you more
susceptible to any other infection.   Without intestinal flora, your
digestion is
not going to prepare nutrients from the food, for absorption.   Your bowel
digestion is going to prepare toxins for absorption.  After 5 - 50 years of
kind of digestion, you may develop Constipation, Colitis, Chron's disease,
Irritable bowel syndrome, Tumors, Arthritis, Cancer .   When you eat some
fatty foods, your body gives you a warning. Gallstones attack, or allergy, or
digestive problems, or arthritis, or shoulder pain, or arm pain,...   You name
it.   "Tunnels" in your liver are obstructed with stones, and very little
of bile
comes into your Duodenum.   Because you don't have enough bile, fats will
not be properly digested, and you will not absorb them.  At the same time,
there is no gallbladder to collect bile in-between meals, so bile will be
dropping out from your liver, directly into the intestines.   That will
intestines, making it more possible for you to develop Ulcerative Colitis,
Chron's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Frequent diarrhea, Bloating and
poor digestion.   There will be no enough bile when it is needed,, and in the
same time,    there wile too much bile when you don't need it !   Fats you ate
will not be properly digested, and you will not be able to absorb them.
     Also having not enough bile inside intestines will affect intestinal
flora. It
may also make you more susceptible to intestinal parasites.   Once
parasites get into your bowel system, they eat your nutrients, they secret
toxins.   You absorb those toxins.   Toxins from parasites also kill
flora, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidumbacter
Bifidus, ...   Without intestinal flora, Candida Albicans and other yeast grow
inside your bowel without control.   Toxins produced by Candida yeast family
can cause numerous diseases. Candida can escape from the bowel, and
cause a lot of troubles on your skin, inside your muscles (Fibromyalgia,
CFS), inside your brain (brain fog), and generally decrease your immunity.
making you more susceptible to any other infection.
     Without intestinal flora, your digestion is not going to prepare
from the food, for absorption.   Your bowel digestion is going to prepare
toxins for absorption.   After 1 - 50 years of this kind of digestion, you may
develop Constipation, Colitis, Chron's disease, Irritable bowel syndrome,
Tumors, Allergies, Arthritis, Cancer, and many other health problems.
     "Gallbladder operation is the most common operation in North America.
Every year, more than half a million people in the United States and more
than 50,000 people in Canada undergo surgery to remove their gallbladders
because of gallstones."
     90% of people have gallstones
     80% of people do not know that they have gallstones
     50% of children have gallstones
     Approximately 80% of all gallstones show no symptoms and may remain
"silent" for years."
     More than 90 % of Americans and people in develop countries will in their
life develop some of these problems: Acne, Colitis, Heart diseases,
Leukemia, Chron's disease, Irritable bowel syndrome,
     Tumors, Allergies, Arthritis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cancer, AIDS...

     The solution is easy and costs about $2.00!

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