Seems like there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that work and
there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that did not work.  It has
been said that James Holmes and Robert L. Berger each have
spectrophotometers, and that is one of only two methods of correctly
measuring ppm (ug/ml).  (The other is with an I.S.E.(ion specific
electrode) which Ivan has).  Why would James and Roberts
spectrophotometers, work and the Hanna HI 93737 Silver Meter not work?

Erwin (In quest of a meter to measaure my silver)

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,
> We tried one and it did not work with colloidal silver. Was told it
> was for use with dissolved silver such as in waste treatment plants
> etc. The sample measured the same as the blank or as much as 25% of
> the readings done on our CS by Kimball Labs as I recall. Would have
> been a good way to test if it had worked.  All readings were not
> repeatable and were way off the mark.
> We even tried digesting the silver in nitric acid to see if that would
> help.  It didn't.

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