> Hi Fred,

  Excellent summary.
 Perhaps it would help if they understood how the body works. Suggest they read 
series of posts called "Intestine", a 24 part series on the processes of the 
  *** its in the archive***

  Bless you   Bob Lee

> Marshall AND Roger,
> No, I am not a lawn! I am a perfectly designed chemical processing unit which
> can take in pure water, which serves to dilute my blood and thus free my heart
> from the heavy load it has, and my many body organs will discharge any excess
> water or minerals as it sees fit. I am not being leached! I am programmed to
> have specific solution densities and with proper supplies will maintain to 
> very
> precise ratios, those fluid/mineral relationships!
> Externally, where I have no pre-programmed chemical relationships, I can be
> leached of surface minerals but internally, I can not! Interstitial/cell
> water, my
> primary need,  is not  a random leached mix put a specific blend of the basic
> salts needed for my cell functions! I make that mix, it is not a function
> of the
> purity of the water I take in. Also, as Terry said most of my chemicals are
> bound in such a way that they are not leachable (water soluable) - see how
> long it takes to dissolve your bones or skin in DW! Pepsi YES DW NO!
> No, I am not a tea bag to be drained of my essentials when I take water of any
> purity in! My calcium is not leached from my bones because of my water intake,
> but is often lost because of my lack of water intake!
> My brain must function at all costs!  I have and need ATP and GTP and also
> hydroelectric energy reserves and when I do not get enough water I must break
> the calcium to calcium bond in cells and eventually in bones, to makeup for 
> the
> energy shortage!  Breaking the calcium-calcium bond releases ATP and thus cell
> or bone calcium is the source of choice when my brain has a shortage of 
> energy.
> Without that reserve function I would die (brain function failure) under many
> common stress situations! The calcium released is discharged normally, as
> excess free calcium BUT it was NOT released by leaching!
> My pee is not the leached effect of my water intake but the evidence of my
> excess
> intake - it is strong only when I take in too little water and my
> necessary  water
> borrowing concentrates it!
> Look at the normal water you drink, on average 200 PPM! Is that saturated? NO!
> My pool has 850PPM, is that saturated? NO! Can I dissolve table salt to 8,000
> PPM? YES! What is this "leaching to saturated levels" problem you have, with 
> my
> drinking pure water instead of very, very slightly saturated water?
> Try again guys, but listen to Terry - try to dissolve a bone in DW!
> (Disclaimer - I am not an expert in this area, so when I say liver and you say
> kidney, don't fault me - the expressed functions happen in my body, where
> ever!)
> f...@health2us.com
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oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast