What a great account to read!

>It was about 8 or 9 years ago, my wife and I were doing childcare.  One
>Saturday night, one of the parents of the children we watch called us to let
>us know that her 10 month old baby girl wasn't going to be in the following
>Monday.  She explained that she had just gotten back from the hospital and
>that her daughter had pneumonia.  The doctors had wanted to keep her baby
>there, but the mom really hated hospitals so she took her daughter home and
>promised to go back the next day to have her daughter checked out again.
>They hospital had said that if her daughter wasn't any better by Sunday
>afternoon, then they would have to keep her there.  Anyways, we talked her
>mom into coming over so we could dose her daughter up with CS.  Being new to
>CS we made up an 8oz batch of about 5ppm using saline as a catalyst (GASP),
>and had the baby drink the whole 8oz. in her plastic (SHUDDER) bottle.  We
>then made up another 8oz. bottle for the mom to take home and feed her
>daughter with the next morning (Sunday), which she did.  Sunday afternoon
>came and she took her daughter back into the hospital as she had promised.
>The mother gave me a call after the doc's had checked out her daughter and
>told me that they had been dumbfounded because of the remarkable recovery
>that her daughter had made.  They couldn't believe it!  That's just one
>instance out of a great many, but one I can tell because of my first hand
>Knowing now what I didn't know then, the only change I would have made is
>that I wouldn't have used saline, I would have made it pure.
>Keep the faith.
>Yours in health,
>James Allison
>Allisons Apothecary - Your On-Line Apothecary
>Visit Us Soon - http://allisonsapothecary.com
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