Instead of going by these articles on why NOT to drink distilled water, why
not try it out for yourself----actually, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I
drank distilled water for 2 1/2 months. I thought I'd like to die.
Experience is the best teacher, but hopefully, instead of learning the hard
way like I did, why not listen to some regular people and their experiences
with distilled water if you can't trust the "experts"? It took a lot of
colloidal minerals and electrolyte solution to try and get back to a
previous state of health. My gray hair is finally turning back now to its
original color, I can walk without feeling like my legs are about to give
out from under me, my vision is now improving---but hey, I don't expect
some of you to take my word for it either.


>By Chet Day
>Paul Bragg. Norman Walker. Herbert Shelton.
>I bet you recognize the names of the above three "big gun
>writers" of the modern natural health and raw food movement
>...(article below the next 4 paragraphs - a highly recommended
>From Dave Perkins:
>To all on the CS list.  I know most of you are probably favorably
>predisposed to distilled water...and as far as I know it is still
>the only water to consider in making CS.  I certainly use it when
>I make my CS.
>However, it appears that much of the information on the benefits
>(or lack of problems with long term use) of distilled water was
>written many years ago and has been passed on as fact with little
>modification ever since.  In light of more recent findings many
>of those claims appear to be in error.
>Not for the sake of argument, but for the sake of your present
>and future health, I urge you to read the following information
>by Chet Day and references by other MD's etc. Many of whom
>(especially Chet ) used to be big proponents of distilled water.
>I hope this gives you enough information and facts to make a well
>reasoned personal decision:
>By Chet Day
>Paul Bragg. Norman Walker. Herbert Shelton.
>I bet you recognize the names of the above three "big gun
>writers" of the modern natural health and raw food movement.
>Each of these men advocated a predominantly uncooked vegetarian
>diet (though Walker allowed cheese and Bragg allowed occasional
>meat or fish), and each also advocated distilled water as the
>only kind of water to drink.
>It's amazing to me how blindly most health seekers follow the
>advice of the above three gurus as well as the advice of modern
>health writers who use Bragg, Walker, and Shelton as their main
>sources of truth.
>Indeed, if you spend more than about ten minutes reading many
>modern natural health writers, you'll quickly learn that all
>serious health seekers should shun any kind of water other than
>distilled water. Why? Because Paul Bragg, Norman Walker, and
>Herbert Shelton said so.
>Well, I bought into this commonly-accepted "truth" back in 1993
>when I started my health journey, and I continued to buy into it
>for more than five years before I started to question its
>validity. I started to question the value of drinking distilled
>water for the long-term when I finally opened my eyes enough to
>realize I was relying on information that was, in most cases,
>more than 50 years old.
>Let me say here that I still consider distilled water the water
>of choice when detoxing or working to heal a serious health
>challenge. To quote Dr. Zoltan Rona, who feels the same way:
>"Distillation is the process in which water is boiled,
>evaporated and the vapour condensed. Distilled water is free of
>dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special
>property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from
>the body and eliminate them. Studies validate the benefits of
>drinking distilled water when one is seeking to cleanse or
>detoxify the system for short periods of time (a few weeks at a
>time). Fasting using distilled water can be dangerous because of
>the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and
>trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause
>heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. Cooking foods
>in distilled water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers
>their nutrient value."
>See for the full text of
>Dr. Rona's article.
>I opened my eyes because about two years ago I started hearing
>from long-term distilled water drinkers who had been consuming
>only distilled water and who had developed troubles with their
>hair either thinning or falling out in clumps. I've subsequently
>learned that hair loss is a condition often associated with
>various mineral deficiencies.
>Since I'd been advised by a serious natural health student whose
>opinions I value very much that distilled water might well
>contribute to such problems, I started telling people with
>hair problems that they might try going back to filtered water
>or bottled water to see if doing so wouldn't help resolve the
>symptoms. Interestingly enough, many reported that their hair
>loss problems improved when they stopped drinking distilled
>Digging deeper, I started reading more carefully the advice of
>natural health experts who weren't necessarily coming out of
>the raw food and Natural Hygiene schools of health, and I
>couldn't find a single one of them who recommended distilled
>water as the water of choice.
>Yes, all of these experts advocated drinking lots of water --
>at least eight full glasses of water every day -- and all of
>them said a good filtered or bottled water was just fine. For
>example, I know Lorraine Day, MD, (no relation) doesn't advocate
>distilled water and neither does the Iranian medical doctor F.
>Batmanghelidj, who wrote what I consider the bible on water,
>"Your Body's Many Cries for Water." (For details on this book,
>visit )
>Two other medical doctors whose practices are devoted to
>natural health feel the same way about distilled water. Dr.
>Joseph  Mercola ( doesn't recommend distilled
>water, and neither does Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a living foods
>advocate who writes on page 509 of his book "Conscious Eating,"
>"distilled water is dead, unstructured water so foreign to the
>body that one actually gets a temporary high white blood cell
>count in response to drinking it." (For details on "Conscious,
>Eating," visit )
>Additionally, my understanding of medical doctor Zoltan Rona's
>article is that long-term distilled water consumption may well
>contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular
>problems. Dr. Rona writes, "The longer one drinks distilled
>water, the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies
>and an acid state. I have done well over 3000 mineral
>evaluations using a combination of blood, urine, and hair tests
>in my practice. Almost without exception, people who consume
>distilled water exclusively, eventually develop multiple mineral
>See for the full text of
>Dr. Rona's article.
>Given what these health-oriented MDs have concluded about
>distilled water, doesn't it make sense to further research the
>topic rather than relying on opinions formed more than 50 years
>If you prefer to ignore what these health-oriented medical
>doctors have discovered in their active practices, then let's
>take a look at the brutally deceptive "organic and inorganic
>mineral" argument that so many natural health writers use to
>justify distilled water drinking. (They also mistakenly use the
>same argument to erroneously conclude that all supplements and
>all cooked foods are bad.)
>Unfortunately, their oversimplification of the organic and
>inorganic mineral theory and, indeed, their general lack
>of understanding about college level chemistry and physical
>laws, calls into deep question the validity of many of their
>conclusions about health and diet.
>The health writers who like distilled water better than a ripe
>nectarine usually write a lot about the Hunzans, the folks in
>Pakistan's Hunza Valley who allegedly live healthfully well into
>their 90's and beyond. Interestingly enough, these same writers
>don't mention the point that the Hunzans drink a glacial water
>so full of minerals it's almost milky in appearance.
>If you'd like up-to-date facts about organic and inorganic
>minerals instead of over-simplifications and erroneous
>conclusions, visit:
>Another point involves alkalinity and acidity. Natural health
>writers generally agree that the body maintains best health when
>it maintains a ph leaning to the alkaline side rather than the
>acidic side, and yet distilled water quickly turns highly
>acidic, about 5.8 in an open air container. I didn't understand
>the chemistry of this important point until I stumbled onto a
>great explanation by Fred Senese at
>Does it still make sense to you to drink eight glasses a day of
>distilled water that can potentially help to over-acidify the
>I'd been putting off writing this article for over a year
>because I didn't feel that I had all the facts. I still feel the
>same way, but I also feel confident enough with what I have
>learned to present my current viewpoint to help others make a
>more informed decision before investing a lot of money in an
>expensive distiller that may well contribute to health problems
>in the long run.
>You will note, of course, that the most vociferous advocates of
>distilled water are also those who sell high-profit margin
>distillers. They are also the ones who continue to quote Paul
>Bragg and Norman Walker as the sources of their extensive
>Here at CasaDay, we've been using a device that hooks to the
>tap and runs the water through an ozonator, past an ultraviolet
>light, and then through an activated charcoal filter, but I
>don't know that this $300 gadget produces the healthiest water.
>We like it because the water tastes good and the device is
>hassle-free, but I don't know for a fact that it produces the
>world's healthiest water.
>In closing, I do know tap water isn't good because of all the
>chemicals and pollutants and Lord knows what else in it, but
>I don't have all the answers as to the best water for human
>health, so please don't consider this article definitive.
>I trust this article raises some questions in your mind that
>you can now research in more detail on your own so you can
>then come to an informed conclusion about what type of water
>is best for you and your family.
>Dave Perkins
>"enjoy being"
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