Dear Ron;

        None of us here are recommending that you take or do anything in
the way of medical treatment . We can't do that. What we do try to do is
to relate to you what we have been told or have seen ourselves. It is
the responsibility of all of the list members to evaluate what is
presented here to the best of their ability and learn more . Get the
books and contact the contributors personally for more information.
Study and learn ,but be careful. Knowledge and power and money corrupt
only love does not..
            To your questions; There is only one Zapper ,the Clark unit
the beck unit is what  Bob Beck called the blood purifier and has a
different method of operation voltage and frequency range . The Zapper
has a very low voltage that in most can't even be felt and in my
thinking just acts as a carrier to get the frequency into your body and
of it's self has no other function;

                With Gods Love

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