Dear list members;

            Florence Makoni is a black woman from  Zimbabwe . Eva is the
adoptive mother of the little boy in the story this morning.
        Strange they should all show up now

--- Begin Message ---
Dear Bob,
Please forgive me for not writing sooner, It has been a hectic but blessed time 
here at theis time.  

This letter was given to me by Florence, She received healing through prayer, 
Word of God and Collital Silver and Zapper.  
When I met her she was on her way to the hospital for cancer surgery, having 
been told she was going to die - God had other ideas  She is the person that 
God used to get me involved in the Prison Fellowship Ministry.  Now we can show 
the Jesus film  and have Bible Training Centers in all of the Prisons (40)  
Isn't that wonderful? 
I will be in Tulsa for the confrence.  Looking forward to seeing  you there.

This is t he letter from Frances:

Dearest Friends in Christ,
I hope this letter will find you in good health in Jesus name.  Amen.
In God there is everything, Yes, I want ot thank the Lord this hour.

It is amazing the works of God in my life and health.  It is not long when I 
was very ill nearlly to die,  but I was time for God to show his work.  Doctors 
had come up with stories about my illness but Gos waas there waiting to heal me 
in a bery easy way.

I could not talk for almost a month when the servant of God come into my life 
and prayed and right awaay the Word of God spike to her, to take me to her h 
ouse where I was saved from the illness.  We prayed and using the Silver Water 
and Zapper .  It never took me two hours for my voice to come back.  I started 
praising the Lord that  night,  Sing and praising the whole of the next day..

When I went to see the Doctor it was a different story and changed thing,  what 
they had said before was no-more.  I was healed through the power of God.  It's 
my prayer everyday,  that if  you can keep us with all God gives you to help us 

When ever you pray good medicine will cone to help many people.  It is very 
good for us to have  more and more different medicine. 

I hope God will keep you in finding other things to bring here for our health.  
God is Good all the time.

Yours in Christ,

Florence Makoni

This is the letter that Florence wrote in her own words.
Hopefully Mike will get his letter to me before I leave.
God Bless you my friend,

--- End Message ---