Dear James;

            This was sent by my son and if you contact him directly he
will put you in direct contact with at least one of those who were
            I have a web site forming at < >  I kind of shy from any
commercialism here on this site . I think that it was intended for an
exchange of ideas.
In that vein it sure is active.

                Be Well to everyone

--- Begin Message ---
I know of at least three people who used the zapper, one handle directly on or
as close to the tumor as possible and the other in one hand.  With all, the
tumor gradually shrank until it was gone.  A large one (about 4" long) of the
fibroid variety on a friend's back near the spine took about 3 month to shrink
down and go away.  Zap for 20 minutes to an hour once or twice a day.  It may
work on that particular type of tumor as well.  It is worth a try and can't
hurt to try.

Bob Squires wrote:

>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: RE: CS>Tumor - Desperately seeking an answer
> Resent-Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 15:36:23 -0700
> Resent-From:
> Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 16:33:20 -0600
> From: "James Osbourne, Holmes" <>
> To: "''" <>
> CS cannot hurt.  It might help.
> James Osbourne Holmes
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:   Thursday, July 06, 2000 4:23 PM
> To:
> Subject:        CS>Tumor - Desperately seeking an answer
> All,
> I wanted to see if anyone on the list has heard of anyone using Dr.
> Clark's protocol for large uterine Fibroid Tumors.
> I have the new book The Cure for Advanced Cancers (actually I have all of
> them and the Zapper)...but it seems Dr. Clark is mostly referring to
> cancerous tumors.  I have a fibroid tumor larger than a grapefruit...and
> seems to be growing every month.
> The protocols mentioned...the 21 day Cancer Curing Program and the Tumor
> Shrinking Diet.  Do they both have to be done or just the Tumor Shrinking
> Diet...since mine are not cancerous?
> Is it relatively safe to take the high dosage of B2 for such a large
> tumor?
> Does anyone know personally of anyone who has shrunk or totally gotten
> rid of a Fibroid Tumor this large?
> Any help would be appreciated...
> Thanks again,
> Brenda
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--- End Message ---