> But the opening of ones mouth from ego and
>>without good backing of the facts, one can sure damage ones reputation fast.

They know, however, that the majority of our population will never see
through it. I find most people to be quite lazy and willing to be spoonfed
the lies and drugs--
-------but then again, it is nice to trust our fellow humans---however, one
day people will find out that even that assumption was incorrect.


>In a message dated 7/9/00 1:12:30 AM Central Daylight Time,
>dtmil...@midiowa.net writes:
><< Yet Dr. Barrett spews forth opinions also without substantiation.  For
> example, he mixes statements for "silver preparations" with colloidal
> silver -- hoping the reader will assume that they are the same (they
> aren't).
> He also ignores the scores of research reports in acknowledged
> scientific and medical publications that show the effectiveness of
> colloidal silver.
> The anecdotal research (about killing staph bacteria in petri dishes)
> he does cite is probably correct (but his opinion about the results is
> spurious) given that there is little quality control for retail
> colloidal silver products.
> If you make CS yourself, you can control your own quality.  Then run
> your own tests (on plants, animals and yourself).
>  >>
>Amen! I watch this going on all the time. They use to say herbs did nothing.
>They where useless. As soon as it became a little wider spread in their usage
>and help from them was recognized, then they say that they can interfere with
>the use of other drugs. That they are potent to us. Please oh wise people,
>make up your minds before you open your mouths. Do you not understand that
>your credibility is suffering? And when one then brings up that may medicines
>are derived from these plants and act much like them, what about the use by
>the medical profession of these together also, then you stand there looking
>stupid again. I am not saying that I don't respect them, I do when I see
>caring and good sense medicine. But the opening of ones mouth from ego and
>without good backing of the facts, one can sure damage ones reputation fast.
>Gene Downey
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