>Not to argue with you Ken but our auto shutoff generator makes crystal
>clear CS up to 20-25 PPM as measured with a Hanna PWT using the mechanical
>stirring motor we have incorporated into our newest generator.

Perhaps I should have read this before asking the "crucial" question in my
last e-mail. This generator sounds impressive--but how much?


>Hi List,
>Not to argue with you Ken but our auto shutoff generator makes crystal
>clear CS up to 20-25 PPM as measured with a Hanna PWT using the mechanical
>stirring motor we have incorporated into our newest generator.  The CS does
>not get any color and has an almost imperceptible Tyndall effect.  And it's
>a lot easier than having to heat water or rig up some kind of thermal hot
>plate.  Most people aren't up for that.  Many experimenter types are but I
>think most people aren't.
>And, cooling water that has been heated is really problematic.  What about
>people that live in cold or warm houses?  How hot is hot to start
>with.  How cool does it have to get before thermal currents cease to help,
>etc.  If we're looking for repeatability and ease of use, a motor with a
>constant stirring speed and a constant current regulator with auto shutoff
>is about as good as you can get with LVDC process.
>Sorry to toot our own horn but that's how I see it.
>Constant Current Colloid Generators
>At 09:44 PM 7/9/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>   While mechanical stirring does seem to get very good results, thermal
>> stirring via convection currents helps a lot and is a lot simpler.
>>  Either preheat the water to 80 -100 degrees and let cool while running
>> the generator, or start with room temp water and place it on a small
>> heater such as a 4 watt night light bulb.
>>  Letting hot water cool while in process tends to give that light Tyndal
>> Effect but limits the max concentration [with my auto off unit] to about
>> 8-9 PPM as read by a PPM meter.
>>  Check out
>>  and click on the merchants directory for a fairly complete list of
>> generator makers.
>>  The only one I recommend against is the last...Utopia
>>  They are very proud of the brown sludge their generator makes for some
>> reason.  They use  3 nine volt batteries, 2 silver rods and nothing else.
>> I think they recommend using sea salt as well.   A no no.
>>  With their set up, there's also a possibility of getting some lead and
>> tin into the mix as the wires have exposed solder on the ends. Not
>> extremely likely, but possible.
>>  You can do something similar for a lot less.  You can make fairly good
>> CS with such a unit but it takes a lot of care and experimentation.  I
>> doubt you will be able to go stronger than 3 to 5 PPM without making
>> yellow to brown colored CS.
>>  k...@czen
>>At 03:28 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>>Okay. What is the Tyndall effect? All I could find is that Tyndall(John)
>>>was an Irish physicist. Also, where might one purchase a mechanism for
>>> >Is it John?
>>> >
>>> >Stirring really helps distribute the ionic cloud away from the anode
>>>as the
>>> >atoms are being released during production.  If you can get them disbursed
>>> >in the water with stirring, they tend not to agglomerate.  It makes a much
>>> >better product.  It will be crystal clear with no color if you keep it
>>> >under 15-20 PPM.  Will also have a minimal Tyndall effect.
>>> >
>>> >Trem
>>> >www.silvergen.com
>>> >Constant Current Colloid Generators
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >At 03:02 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>> >>Is stirring necessary?
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> >JO\ohn;
>>> >> >
>>> >> >Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
>>> >> >multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or
>>> better and
>>> >> >some clip leads.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >"Ole Bob"
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >--
>>> >> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
>>> >> >
>>> >> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>> >> >silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
>>> >> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>>> >> >Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>>> >> >List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>Tired of buying questionable qaulity colloidal silver at high heathfood
>>store prices?  Make your own high quality Colloidal Silver at home with
>>this automatic process, current controlled colloidal silver generator.