Hi Bob,

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 08:27:44 -0500, "Robert L. Berger"
<bober...@swbell.net> wrote:

>You might find "food grade" at your local health food store. Anything that you
>can buy  over the counter in a drug store has stablizers in it and it will be
>clearly marked "FOR EXTERNASL USE ONLY."
>You might call Jim Haigh 1-612-937-2354. Back in 1992 he was sellong and the
>phone # was good.

I again have started looking into H2O2 (though I have no current use
for it).

The Internet has come a long way since I last looked (6 or more years
ago), and now has some good info.

US Peroxide has a good FAQ at: http://www.h2o2.com/   It turns out
that all hydrogen peroxide has stabilizers added, but some H2O2 is
"more distilled" than others.

Having nothing to do with health, I found this article about
H2O2-Aluminum fuel cells interesting, at:

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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