Hi all -

  I am interested in WaterOz products so wrote to the email addy Vilik had 
given in an old post.  For those interested, the original WaterOz does not 
have a website yet.  Email response from WaterOz below.   

--- Begin Message ---

Thank you for the kind e-mail.  Unfortunately, your question about whether
WaterOz has a website is somewhat complicated.  At first, WaterOz company
policy was to only sell to wholesalers and retailers, so we allowed
distributors to use our name on the Internet.  But now that we are selling
to the general public, we have reclaimed our trademark, and we will be using
the http://www.wateroz.com site by mid-August.  But as of this today's date,
WaterOz has NO website of its own.  See, I told you it would be complicated.

Rt. 1, Box 104-B
Grangeville, ID 83530

--- End Message ---