Ivan, are you familiar with the "Living Water" that is being develop0ed in
turkey, I beleive? I think the name of the website Shirley C. gave me is
called "Perfect Scince". They have a super-ionized water that is literally
cleaning up large bodies of water. I called a guy from florida(Jim Trider)
to see if I could get ahold of this water---but ti looks like I cannot. I
had read a report about a guy who presented SIW to the govt. The govt.
brouht in 2 extremely polluted aquariums of water. As the guy spoke he
poured in the water he "invented" and within an hour the aquariums' water
was as pure as DW.

I am asking you, by any chance, if you are familiar with this "super
ionized water" do you know how they produced it? A friend and myself would
like to get ahold of this water and begin to clean up the Great Lakes.

Wishful thinking,

>Just a few observations, having followed the water thread.
>Distilled water is 'dead' in that it exists in the most stable low
>energy state possible, it has no 'extra energy to impart into systems
>other than the classic redox potential. The bond angle between the
>oxygen and hydrogen atoms is as low as 94deg but when reacted with ozone
>or a vortex etc. the bond angle increases, implying a storage of energy,
>and it is probably due to this change in configuration that stable water
>crystals or structuring is enabled and sustained. It is likely that
>filtered or RO water retains the energy structure that it was filtered
>Ionised water is not really ionised, that is, it is not physically
>separated into its component ions, but rather the mineral cations or
>positive ions are attracted to the negative electrode and take with them
>the hydroxyl (OH-) portion of water (some of which is always present)
>while the opposite is true at the other electrode where anions and
>hydronium (H+) ions gather.
>In other words, alkaline forming substances migrate to one chamber and
>the acid to another, the alkaline chamber being used for ingestion.
>This method of producing alkaline water is fine, but relies the presence
>of minerals in the water, and will not work with distilled water...one
>case where tap water is a plus!
>But, effective results, perhaps more so, can be achieved by using
>alkaline drops such as those from Alkalife, whose lead I have followed.
>These drops are useful in that they provide the alkaline minerals
>potassium and sodium which are able to dissolve plaques and deposits,
>the precursors to many diseases.
>The most effective results would be achieved by the addition of alkaline
>drops to ionised water, as the acid part of water is separated and
>Alkaline drops cost about $10 for 3 months supply, and so are very cost
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