Could you tell us more about this
>CFIDS Buyers' Club?


>I have had severe FM for years. It is now my conclusion that there may
>be pathogens involved, ie. Lyme, viruses, bacteria etc.
>I, for example, just got positive Lyme tests, and I have high titers for
>several other bacteria and virusesalso. In this case, I expect my FM to
>get much better the longer I am daily and consistently on large doses of
>Also, I am hearing good reports about those with FM feeling better--ie
>deeper sleep, more stamina, increased immune function with something
>that promotes Human Growth Hormone in the body, which declines as we
>age. I just had mine tested (using the IGF1 test) and on a scale of 80
>tp 430, mine was a 79. Goodness. My body can't heal itself with levels
>that low. So I am looking for a good product. I think I will be trying
>VesPro from the CFIDS Buyers' Club. I have heard many positive things
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