Hey Bob,

Want to invest in a sure thing?

Just send 10K to "Water Under the Bridge", in care of the below guy.

James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Robert L. Berger [SMTP:bober...@swbell.net]
Sent:   Monday, July 17, 2000 12:12 PM
To:     silver-list
Subject:        CS>Structured Water

Hi Ya'all,

When the discussions on structures water I thought that you all were a
bunch of "loony Tunes"!!
Thanks to Ivan for the patent number. I went to "patents.ibm.com" and
downloaded Lorwnzen's latest patent dated March 7,200. It describes the
equipment and how to make it. All you need is about $10,000 to get
started. The glass work is not simple as one might suspect and then one
needs a press chamber and shaker table.

Oh I don't want to forget the "clean room" requirement. Then when you
use the stuff it must be diluted 10^3 to 10^ 20 to be safe. The
preferred dilutant i triple distilled water.

Oh yes, one needs an MRA at 100 giga hertz and a O MNR at 25 to 125
Hertz. Then don't forget the conductivity meter and the surface tension

Other than that it is a very simple process if you can get the right
magnet material inside of the first still column.

Next I want to look up John Wlillard's patents and see what gyrations he
goes through for his product.

Happy structuring.

"Ole Bob"

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