Oops everyone--sorry, I meant to send that e-mail to Judith's personal
e-mail--there goes my head again--darn

>Nag nag nag!!!  I've got a husband to do that! ;)
>I don't have time to go online every day - and next week I start doing
>the last 13 months of someone's books .... kept a la shoe box style -
>boxes of papers!.. a busy small - business... so I shall have less
>time.  I'm not an accountant, but I do know how to set up and run a
>business from the computer - and I'll charge less than her
>accountant - he can have them to finish when I get them fit for
>presentation!  [and the extra money will be nice..:) ]
>I don't have a letter from you Pamela asking me about H2O2.  Please
>send it again.  School holidays are on here just now and I've gone on
>late in the day - not my normal time and had drop outs as I've taken
>down the mail.  May have got the chop.
>> > << CAN H2o2 be ingested?  Does this oxygenate the blood?
>> >   >>
>Yes and there are a lot of buts..  not undiluted.  Why do you want to
>take it?  It is not a one-shot or 2-shot job like CS.
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