Hi Tim,

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 22:51:06 -0400, "Tim Eastman" <eastm...@home.com>

>I know all the "how come's" but could someone please pass along some
>documentable reasonings as to why CS does NOT produce Argyria or at least
>point me to some medical level "White Papers" on the internet. I know some
>of you are testors and quality control gurus in our CS discussions - feel
>free to step in. Yes I know we've gone over it and over it. But a
>non-propagandish report would be in order and I'd just pass it along.

I hope someone does come up with papers that show CS doesn't produce
argyria, but I'm not holding my breath.

Two reasons:  First, it's hard to show a negative (and takes lots and
lots of testing to even indicate that argyria doesn't ever show up
from internal use of CS) and second, politicized medicine won't put up
the money to make the study.

But ... there are many, many people who've used CS internally for
years (myself, for example) and show no signs of argyria or any other
side effect.  

In addition, several databases on toxic substances have no indications
that silver has any toxic effects except for argyria *produced by
silver compounds* (not elemental silver).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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