   I had the same problem So I bought a model 777 from
and A sun tea gallon jar at a local supermarket.  on both sides of the
handle (about an inch and a half apart) I made a slot to slip the
electrodes through. the silver electrodes that come with the 777 are 1/2
inch wide by 6 in. long. I got an extra set so I could put two in each
slot with a small loop on the end to keep them from falling through so I
would have enough silver to the water for better efficiency.  On setting
8 according to the manufacturer you get approx.
22 ppm and it takes about 12 hours to make a gallon of clear cs With a
medium tyndal.
  Incidently I have the latest case of late lyme known of (43 years) ,
Knocked it in the head in 72 hrs. by first drinking a pint of my cs and
then taking four onces every half hour for three days during normal
daytime hours. This I did a year and a half ago and since then
I have taken a maintenance dose of one quart a day and havn't turned
blue yet as if I give a damn because after feeling like hell my entire
adult life I feel GRRREAT!!!!!

   Dave D

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