Interesting, as a matter of interest benzene is an aromatic used in
unleaded petrol see
[ ]
it is purportedly a worse pollutant than the lead that was previously
added to petrol.
James Houston-McMillan
--- Begin Message ---
I read an article a couple of years ago that indicated that benzene was the
cause of cases of aids with homosexuals and Haitian immigrants. The
epidemic occured coincident with the maker of a very popular lubricant for
homosexuals switching to a benzene based product, and a benzene product was
used in treating for parasites for immigration.
Interestingly Hulda Clark identifies benzene as the agent that allows the
fluke to grow that produces HIV. But benzene can cause aids without HIV as
it is an immusuppressor by itself.
See for more information.
The article I read is at
Selvey discovered, that the US immigration authorities treated Haitian
immigrants against parasites with a benzene product.
Terry Wayne wrote:
> Listers,
> The name is Peter Duesburg, not Dusenburg,. The url
> is:
> Also try
> (about Duesburg)
> Quite amazing.
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