Lou Gehrig's disease has often tested out to be Lyme Disease, when a live
blood culture was done such as that done by Lida Mattman PhD, researcher in
Warren MI.  Lida's culture is the Gold Standard for testing for Lyme IMO.

I found an abstract of Mattman's report on the Web at PubMed Web at:

If you cannot access this, let me know and I'll post it.

Print out and let your friend read the long document by Dr Joseph Burrascano
MD found at.
This is an excellent overview of Lyme disease, with a checklist of symptoms,
diagnostic hints, and treatment guidelines.

If that gentleman was a friend of mine I would try to persuade him to get a
referral to an infectious disease specialist with plenty of experience
treating Lyme patients.

But a treatment protocol such as the 4-part plan proposed by Robert Beck PhD
would be my personal choice for dealing with a complex of diseases like Lyme
or "Lou Gehrig's disease." That protocol includes CS, blood electrification,
magnetic pulsing and drinking ozonized water.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael" <mike...@worldnet.att.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539
. . . Another thing that I find interesting is that I am getting IV
twice a week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to
be in his late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he
has been everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and
also he gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a
high level of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I
was taking CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a
lot of different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone
know of anything for Lou G  Disease? . . .

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