Hi Lurker Sherree,

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000 22:45:21 -0600, "T. REX"
<flu...@color-country.net> wrote:

>This isn't CS, we use CS for other things.  For sinus infections we swear by 
>Tree oil.  It is also called Mellaluca.  You can vaporize it by putting three
>drops oil in a cup of water and bring almost to a boil.  Breathe in till cool. 
> I
>do it the lazy way, I put a few drops on a q-tip then apply it inside by
>You can also use Eucalyptus oil.  I have never talked to anyone it didn't help,
>and usually immediately.

I agree about the melaleuca oil (though I haven't tried eucalyptus).
It works *when the sinus passage is open,* but doesn't do a thing when
it's blocked.

(My nasal spray is 1/2 normal saline, 1/2 CS and 10 drops of melaleuca
in a 1/2 ounce spray bottle.)

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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