In a message dated 7/25/00 3:20:59 PM EST, writes:

<< Roger , this proves it you're weird
                         Bob wrote:
 > In a message dated 7/25/00 12:44:27 PM EST, writes:
 > << You are kidding!  I thought CS had a half life of about 8 to 12 hours, 
 > take
 >  it twice a day to maintain a reasonable serum level.   Maybe it is 
binding in
 >  tissues delaying it's elimination.  It seems that I only have to go a day
 >  without CS to start being vulnerable to things.
 >  Marshall
 >   >>
 > Marshall: I know little about biological sciences so I'm the last person to
 > ask how to interpret my results. That being said, I thought it was equally
 > odd that the silver in fece would constitute the major component of silver
 > elimination after a couple of months. I would have thought that colon 
 > (where else would silver in fece come from?) would have been the first area
 > of the body to give up what little silver it had and that the urine would
 > continue to remove the bulk of the silver (through normal elimination
 > channels) until there was practically none left. So I'm at a loss to 
 > my results. Roger

Bob:  Fred says I make weird CS. You say I have a weird physiology. All I 
have to say is, anyone who agrees with my wife can't be all bad. Rog 

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