Recently there was a post about how perfectly balanced the pH of the human
body needs to be for good health.

At the time I thought, isn't that interesting!

 And to think that  there are "learned people" who attribute such perfect
arrangement to "accidental", or "evolved out of green slime" rather than
allow for the greater likelihood of a superior (to humans) intelligence who
is the designer of ALL things, including CS and the Zapper, and that
knowledge was given by that designer otherwise it wouldn't exist, as well as
the capability to reason out when and how to use everything he designed.

So Bob Squires gave credit to whom credit is really due, God, (not god)!
Why is that remarkable?

Even though the "Founding documents" of this country clearly state "endowed
by their Creator", I am well aware that there are people who think those
documents and what they enumerate are out of date, no longer apply, need to
be "re-interpreted", so as to enable a certain number of other people to
dictate what we do, what we eat, what we use for medicine, etc.,and
eventually who to give "the credit" to for all these "privileges" which
these thousands of non-elected, college educated gophers invent 24 hours a
day throughout the whole world, sanctioned  by the state!

On all points,  sufficient information, to make a right decision is
withheld, or suppressed by humans, and this is the greatest form of
violence, and too many people don't know, don't care, don't see it that way.
That is interesting!

Instead of marvelling at the intelligent design of the human body, designed
to heal
on its own or with external means, we find it "interesting" that this man,
who has love and joy for others in his heart gives credit to God rather than
to CS or the Zapper.

That, dear friends, is interesting and remarkable to me.

Most sincerely,

Devnull  wrote, in response to Bob Squires, below:

so she used cs and a zapper but your giving credit to god? interesting.
Bob Squires wrote:

>                     Dear ones;
>                 I just received a call from a woman customer of three
> weeks past who had bought a CS unit and Zapper . She had lumps in her
> breast and long time back pain  She said the back pain went away almost
> at once and she just came from an MRI at the local hospital and all
> trace of the lumps are gone. Of course we prayed with her as well and
> she had faith and God did it .............

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