On Tue, 01 Aug 2000 13:07:14 -0400, cking...@nycap.rr.com wrote:

>He's almost an old friend.
>I remember a 'zine he put out when the TRS-80 computer became popular.
>Didn't realize it was THAT Wayne Green.

Yup.  Wayne did all those things and much more.  He didn't mention
that he edited CQ magazine for years before having a falling-out and
then started his own (73 magazine) which spawned several other ham
magazines (Ham Radio and others).  He's had a constant disagreement
with the main ham radio organization (ARRL) since the 50's.

Wayne started the SECOND micro-computer magazine (BYTE, in 1976) and
then KiloBaud and others.  (Aside:  the first micro-computer magazine
was started in Cedar Rapids, IA, a year before BYTE.)  

He's loaned/given away millions of dollars to help people start small
businesses (and usually got no repayment on the loans), and got
screwed on several ventures because he's a very trusting soul (BYTE
magazine, for instance).

He's quite ascerbic, and has some rather off-the-wall ideas until he
does his research (he believes too much what people say).  He also
tries to take too much control of things when he gets involved,
alienating people ("Cold Fusion" magazine, for example).

Other than that, he's one of the really good people, IMO (and I've had
that opinion since the early 60's).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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