To make a saturated solution dissolve MSM in the silver until no more will dissolve.
Decant the liquid without disturbing any remaining crystals in the bottom of the mixing container. This may be used in any manner that CS may be used, which means anywhere including breathing it. Don't use a heat-type vaporizer; it will produce mostly distilled water. When used with a nebulizer, or airbrush, and oxygen it has amazing results with lung and Upper Resp. conditions. Some people get remarkable results with tablespoonfuls daily others quaff quarts. Diarrhea with no other likely cause is an indication of taking too much. I take a small swallow, most every day. More if I get sick. I have not been sick very often since. Two colds, one flue in about 4 yr. It is highly improbable that it can hurt you, and very probable it will help. Bottom line, do your own research, if you have concerns. Note that if a person has a bacterial infection, they may get a fever, chills, headache, etc, when starting on CS due to killed bacteria releasing toxins; the "Herx". Start small; increase slowly. You may find much more detail and specific medical citations if you search this list archives. Good fortune, James Osbourne Holmes FTNWO -----Original Message----- From: gail from WV [] Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 3:34 PM To: Subject: CS>Re: MSM Someone asked if you were supposed to take MSM with CS and I never saw anyone answer, so I am asking again. Does MSM enhance the CS? How much do you take and when? ........Gail -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour <>