>Has anyone heard of the Chi machine and the Hot House?  The Chi machine
>supposed to put oxygen into your body, and I've read so many
tesitomonials as
>it different things it has helped.  My girlfriend has one and she LOVES
>The Chi can be of benefit to everyone.  The hot house is not needed by
>everyone.  Just wondered if anyone here is familiar with it and can
pass on
>anymore information about it.

Go to http://www.chimachineusa.com/ for a picture of both.  It is a
multilevel scheme to sell an ankle vibrator and belly warmer.  You just
lay there and get skinny.  According to one site " The idea behind this
unusual aerobic exerciser was suggested by Dr. Shizuo Inoue, Chairman of
Japan's Oxygen Health Association. Dr. Inoue, who has spent decades
researching the relationship between oxygen levels in the body and the
quality of human health, got his idea by watching goldfish swimming.
Personally it sounds fishy to me but it is your money, and you can't
take it with you.


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