Dear Bill ;

            I would like to have both circuits .  Perhaps I could
utilize my hundreds of printed boards and adapt them to this with a few
modest changes. This may interest you  my first order for a zapper went
to a missionary in central America . It promptly saved several lives .
The second order was for a thousand. That was the reason for the printed
circuit . I could never have finished the job otherwise on time . It did
make me realize the fixed quality that is repeatable every time with
just a bit of testing of  the finished product. In my mind the CS and
Zapper go hand in hand as home miracles. It is so wonderful to be able
to help people.

                        I have really been blessed

BILLBSC wrote:

> Hi All, Just another thought about "Zapper" schematics . . .  for
> thosewho are not able to build the more complex circuit just
> posted,how would you like a simplified version, single frequency,
> thatwas designed for use while traveling?  That circuit runs fromand
> nominal 12 VDC source. Bill Biagioli N.M.D. PS:  Maybe we'll be able
> to make a variable frequency type if you want?