> I don't think you missed it. They're having a protocol crisis
> sending attachments.

"Protocol crisis!" I like that. <grin>

Actually, the file is a little too big. By the time it's encoded in 
ascii it breaks the 40 kilobyte posting size limit.

What's wierd is, I tried to increase the damn limit temporarily and 
the system is not listening to me! <humph!>

Working on it...

> I think this is the one they're talking about:
>  http://www.explorepub.com/articles/beck/hiv_images/Schematic.gif

No, it's not. The one at the link is a Beck style unit? Polarity
switched 27 volts with current limiting... using a relay? Must make a 
bit of noise and wear out relays pretty fast... I'd want to use an 

I haven't doped out the details completely, but I believe Bill's 
circuit is a Clark style unit with some tidy waveform shaping and 
logic to clean up the 555 output timing.

'Soon as possible, folks. Sorry for the delay.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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