Dear list members;

                How can a simple electronic process done virtually the
same way come up with so many different products ,particle sizes and
concentrations.  I have seen some claims of 1500 PPM . I don't
understand how it is possible . We all begin to come up against a
barrier at about 10 PPM. For those of us who have tried to find a bench
mark standard to go by we sure would welcome a simple test . Whether it
be a chemical  like we used in big ships distilling plants for purity
with a drop of silver nitrate. Or the Tyndal effect with a laser we need
something to lean on . Not to test lab standards which we are not
concerned with but for the every day use of those who use CS.
            As for cleaning the electrodes it is kind of like washing
your hands . You don't need to but after a while they get disgusting.
Incidentally I have a new circuit in the works that doesn't discolour
the electrodes . They do get a bit dull but don't go beyond that . There
also seems to be very little erosion of the silver surface . The
solution also stays clear. I'll send off some samples soon as now I am
relying on the Tyndal effect with a laser.

                    Older Bob

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