>I understand that deodourised COL is available. What effect does this have on
>BO? Thanks.
>Harsha Godavari
>fernwo...@aol.com wrote:
>> Today, *lazy* I take it by softgel capsule, 1000 mg, from Puritan's pride
>>     Are the capsules  just as effective?  How many should be taken to start
>> and how many should you work up to?  Are there other sources anyone would
>> suggest for reading about using cod liver oil to thin blood and improve
>> vision?  Thanks for your help?
>>                                                         Karen

Hi All;

I must again state that I receive the list in *DIGEST* form and it's really
messed up. My mail program has fits with it, but only with the CS list

I'm going to guess that I only get 50% of the postings. I only get to read
my own posting when it's replied to as above. So anything you direct to me
should be on, *&* off list, to be sure I get it. I will respond to both.

In my 30s I had a serious back problem and would do anything to cure it.
Cod Liver OIL (CLO) did that for me. When desperate you do exactly what
your told. This was the pure Norwegian COL, any way you can get it down.
Just don't eat food on either side of it. Start out slow but increase as
fast as you can. The body likes it, real soon. I took at least a full
teaspoon full. Read the back of the bottle.

Here it is some 30 odd yrs later and I am still free of my problems, so I
"jerk" around with capsules. If you have a serious problem, don't take
short cuts, IMHO.

On the dosage, I took a lot but was cautious not to get near the 500 IU of
Vit D, which I read was a toxic dose.

For those who have trouble getting to a good reference, I'll take the time
to explain my thoughts. I moved to FT Meyers Fla, in 1970s and one morning
driving to work I heard Dale Alexander interviewed on the radio. They
called him the "COD FATHER". The show was devoted to how CLO corrected
vision. Several weeks before I had my Mom over and we were discussing
vision. I commented that several years ago I needed glasses to see the TV
in the living room, and suddenly I didn't need them any more. *Didn't know
why* The "Cod Father" gave me the answer.

A year or so later I took a job with a large Corp. In CT, and during the
physical, they were impressed with my 20-20, 20-10 vision. Fifteen years
later, my step father had cataract eye surgery and the eye filled up with
blood. Yale NH Hospital was at a loss as to how to correct it, The poor guy
had to sleep sitting up in a chair. Then on night I woke up with the
answer, he was taking CLO. The next morning I told him my thoughts, he quit
taking it and the eye cleared up in a week. I had read some where that CLO
was a blood thinner.

So to sum it up, CLO has been very good to me, and over the years it has
been my pleasure to pass it on. I had one gal who was raised in Canada tell
me that when she was a kid, the teacher would line them all up and give
them a teaspoon of CLO before class. Bet we will hear other stories before
this thread is dead. ;-))

Prevention magazine published a book on vitamines, and referred to CLO.
Maybe find it in a library?

Phil Sr.

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