And you find these communicators where?  (need a cat one!)

Marshall Dudley wrote:

> wrote:
> > Dear Bob,
> >
> > Tell us more about plate zapping.  I wanted to zap my horse, but I am unsure
> > of hor to    proceed with some of these alterantive technologies on
> > anaimals.  For one most horses will not stand there docilely for something
> > like this.  For two, I wonder if the Beck zappers have enought current for
> > a 1.000 pound animal?  Been wanting vetineary grade information on some of
> > this stuff for some time.
> Yesterday I bought a book by Art Myers called "Communicating with Animals".  
> It
> is surprising how many horses have problems that the vet cannot find.  A sore
> back can make them throw the rider.  There are many examples in the book of
> horses about to be put down when a communication is brought in to talk to the
> horse (or dog or cat) and they are told that such and such is the problem, and
> when that is fixed by a chiropractor, antibiotics, or whatever, the animal
> returns to normal.
> There is one interesting part where a dog becomes covered with tumors.  The 
> vet
> cannot find the reason and gives the dog only a few weeks to live.  A
> communcator is brought in, and the dog sends her a movie of when it was young,
> the other two littermates were bathed, got a bunch of attention, and groomed,
> then the lady which owned them took off the other two dogs without so much as 
> a
> goodby to the one that had the problem.  At that point the dog felt unloved 
> and
> rejected, and it played heavily on it's mental state.  The owner said "Oh my
> gosh, that is when I was taking them to the dog show at the fair to sell!"  
> And
> she hugged the dog and told him that she kept him because he was her favorite
> and loved him very much.  The tumors were gone within 2 weeks.
> Interesting reading.  Shows how mental attitude can affect health, even in
> animals.
> There is also the story of a girl who owned a pony and was being abused.  When
> she was abused she would go out and visit her pony because it made her feel
> better.  The pony was getting sick and about to die when a communicator was
> brought in and the pony said that the little girl was coming in with lots of
> negative energy and the pony was taking it from her because it loved her, but 
> it
> could not dispell the energy fast enough and it was killing it.  The
> communicator told the girl what was happening and asked her to go write some
> poetry or do some painting or something after abuse to mutate the energy into 
> a
> creative energy before visiting the pony, and after she did the pony got well.
> A previous message said that they don't care what is causing a problem, they
> just want to cure it.  Well the example above shows that it can be very
> important to find the root cause, as a cure may just be a bandaid.  Eating 
> more
> may fix a person who is underweight, but if the real cause is a tapeworm, than
> that is not the REAL cure.
> Marshall
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