Hi List,
This is quite a depressing post to read here on 
the CS list. I haven't been using CS for long, but 
the weeks are passing by, and  almost every 
day I find another use for it, or find something 
that I can do, such as preservation, that I 
couldn't do before finding it.

I have no interest in the 'official research', 
wherever it comes from. If something works for 
me, then that is all the research that I need. I 
realize that some listers are allergic to some 
substances, and therefore feel that they need to 
exercise caution. We are all intelligent enough to 
know what is the best treatment for ourselves. 
Think where we would be without so called 
anecdotal evidence. Most of the herbals wouldn't 
exist, and we wouldn't know about CS, UT, 
Natural Progesterone or Energy Healing.

I also think that we need to read University 
research with caution. We have no idea who 
paid for the research to take place. Very often 
this is drug companies wanting 'proof' that their 
molecular concoctions are more efficacious 
than our home brewed medicines. It is also 
subtle mind control using fear. A well worn 
tactic, to make us believe that we are incapable 
of doing without the medical profession. 
Hopefully we will not accept this, and continue, 
here and using our own researches, to remain 
free spirits, and healthy!

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