This is Dr David Williams' website. Quite a researcher it seems.
Can order the back issue

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert L. Berger" <>
To: "silver-list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 11:02 PM
Subject: CS>Retinal Degeneration

> Hi Ya'all;
> Last week someone asked about macular degeneration. It took a while but
> I found the article by Dr David C. Williams in his "Alternatives"  issue
> Vol.8, No.12 June 2000 and it refered me back to issueVol.8,No.9 March
> 2000.
> They use the fancy name of "TENS"  Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
> Stiomulator. All it is, is a Clark zapper running at 9 volts with 200
> micro amp output at 10 hz. The medical unit sells for $150.00 !!!
> Dr Merrill Allen reports retinal regeneration. His protocol is one
> electrode in the hand and the other on an eye lid pad. The procedure is
> 2.5 min on the upper lid and 2.5 min on the lower lid.
> If interested contact Mountain Home Publishing,at 1201 Seven Locks Rd,
> Rockville, MD 20854.
> "Ole Bob"

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