Hello Trem,
I know it's a mouthful but here it is: Methecillin 
Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus is a bacteria 
resistant to most (possibly all) anti-biotics. Can 
cause necrosis of tissue, and if the person has 
a weak immune system, death.
M.O.H. is just Ministry of Health, who write un-
truthful guide lines about the need for everyone 
to keep calm, and wash their hands a lot. 5000 
people died from MRSA last year, and it's 

On 5 Sep 2000, at 13:14, Trem wrote:

> Carol,
> Pardon my ignorance.  What is MRSA?  What are M. O. H. guidlines?
> Thanks,
> Trem
> At 08:30 PM 9/5/00 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi List,
> >To my horror, my young daughter (21 yrs.) has
> >just informed me that the old people's home,
> >where she works to get some money while at
> >Uni., has two cases of MRSA. The person who
> >runs the home is not taking any precautions at
> >all, with the patients or staff. We know that she
> >should be following M.O.H. guide-lines, but she
> >knows that with two cases she will probably lose
> >her license, and have to close. This person is a
> >nurse, and would not consider CS as a viable
> >treatment, even though we know that MRSA is
> >anti-biotic resistant.
> >
> >Given all this information: what is the best
> >prophylactic regime to give to my daughter,
> >while she works her notice.
> >
> >I look forward to your expert advice.
> >Blessings
> >Carol
> >
> >
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Love and Light