At , you wrote:Thanks... that is 'more answer' than expected. I hope you
have some ground-interrupt circuit breakers on your electrical feeds. I
once inadvertently tested mine. Ouch anyway! Like kicked by a horse. Your
experimentation is too complex for me to emulate. No lab. I am still
interested in Roger's claim of 1% being a kill concentration and wonder
what the difference besides what is hinted at in the pH might
be....?Restructured water molecules would be what shape? I assume a flat
plate structure is the normal one? If you, Roger, have effectivly
magnetized and 'stacked' or re-arranged them, there might be a viscosity
change paralleling the unexplained pH variant, which might be reflected as
a volume change, too? But this would only emphasize that the water has
been "re-structured" which you have already figured out...hmmmAt 02:38 AM
9/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>--- Del Crow <> wrote:
>>> Ok... but some questions. What testing indicates
>>> bacterial and viral
>>> killing capacity at 1 ppm? Doubtless some of the
>>> little stinkers would be
>>> effectively inactivated or killed...which ones have
>>> you tried your colloid
>>> on? Is your calculation of the ppm unquestionably
>>> correct? I believe I
>>> could create a water-submerged arc, but a lot of
>>> control would be
>>> necessary. What difference "Pulsed" DC would make
>>> over AC, which is already
>>> pulsed would be another query I would have.
>>In this process using huge 56 henry coils, the AC
>>resonant effects have been explored and it should be
>>easy to say that the dc arcing method produces a very
>>unquenchable arc compared to its ac cousin. However
>>using the ac method very conclusive proof can be made
>>that water can be absorbing a high frequency
>>oscillation, or what I have termed a Multiple Wave
>>Oscillation. Any load can be subjected to a double gap
>>BRS as I have named it. I have done numerous
>>experiments towards making that load to water. A
>>scope can monitor the arcing at these double arc gaps
>>through the EM radiation it recieves from a coil
>>sensor.. We can actually input these MWO oscillations
>>into our body, as I have successfully treated myself
>>with gout by that method. When this treatment occurs
>>one can see the actual monitoring of the vibrations
>>being absorbed by simply sticking ones finger through
>>a sensing coil to oscilloscope. This produces a 180
>>phased signal as the body acts like a scalar
>>amplifier, providing an amplified signal compared to
>>that found in the space of the treatment plate. Having
>>gone off topic, it is found that moving water also
>>produces this effect, of producing multitraced formed
>>scope forms at the input side as evidence of the
>>increase of electrical vibrations evidenced by the BPS
>>rates at the arc bars. So in the the creation of
>>electrified water by MWO oscillations we must first
>>put the water in the correct vortexian free fall with
>>magnets at the vortex And then allow the BRS
>>terminals,(which could be silver wire!) To be at the
>>entrance and exit points of that falling water, anywho
>>back to this topic...
>>Using a 56 Henry Air core coil of 1000 ohms, 440
>>volts from a step up transformer can be safely
>>inputed. We can get a 15 fold voltage rise by AC
>>resonant techniques. Using two coils in this BRS gives
>>a 30 fold input voltage rise, entirely interior, and
>>not exterior to the circuit. That 60 hz resonance uses
>>.12 Uf (microfarad) for its capacity value
>>corresponding to its L value of 56 Henry. Now to
>>resonate at twice the frequency means the C value must
>>be reduced 4 fold or at .3 Uf. Of course every
>>inductor used has a different C value that it will
>>resonate to at 120 hz, and these numbers are only
>>supplied for comparison. The original resonance
>>formula for L and C is Resonant freq= 1/{2 pi times
>>the square root of LC] That is the 120 resonant hz
>>value found to be placed at the unfiltered dc output
>>of the full wave rectifier, sending the DC Pulsed
>>signals{the C value is what eliminates those pulses as
>>a dc filter, by using a smaller filter, much smaller
>>output voltages are reached, but at the same time in
>>this case it supplies a higher voltage for a lesser
>>amperage input} It is the dc resistance of the coil
>>that serves as the current limiting factor. As soon as
>>we create a break in that dc resonant circuit, it will
>>produce the laser like arc, that may possiblY survive
>>underwater. I will be working with this soon. HDN
>>Binary Resonant System
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